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Posts posted by jesselperry

  1. Ahh yes, the obvious just renaming the keyword. Sorry for missing the obvious :)


    As for the string, indeed it has "if device_name != current_device" but still doesn't omit my current machine's tabs. Could it have something with it thinking my current device name has a dash in it and the Safari tabs file doesn't have that dash? Reason I ask is my machine name is "Jesse rMBP" — but Sharing Prefs Pane gives it a dash: "Jesse-rMBP" — but in the Safari tabs file its "Jesse rMBP" I'm not familiar enough with Python to try to debug what it thinks my current machine's name is, or I would try to see if that was the issue.


    Either way, not a huge deal :)



  2. Does anyone know if there's a way to have this workflow just show the results for the workflow? On one of my Macs I'm getting files in the list of results that have "tabs" in the title. Not sure if it matters, but they're .js files. Reason I ask, is because using Alfred's "Action all visible results" command is helpful to open up all the tabs at once. But if there are files in the list as well, that doesn't work well.


    Also with the latest version, it doesn't seem that it's omitting URLs from the current machine I'm on. Not as big of a deal as #1.


    Just curious. Thanks! Wish I knew Python or I would help out.

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