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Posts posted by brunogrande

  1. Hello, 


    I tried to create a dead simple workflow which simply reverses the inputted text. Python doesn't seem to work. On the other hand, Bash seems to work, but I would like to know what's wrong with my Python workflow. Here's the script I'm trying to use: 

    string = {query}
    print string[::-1]

    Here's the download link for the workflow: http://cl.ly/PhsE


    Thanks in advance, 



  2. In Alfred v1, I had a simple AppleScript that created a new file in Finder's frontmost window: 


    tell application "Finder" to make new file at (the target of the front window) as alias

    I'm trying to get it to work in Alfred v2 and I simply can't. I also tried alternatives, like this one, which uses Bash instead (from Mac Tuts), but nothing successful: 
    myPath=$(osascript -e 'try' -e 'tell application "Finder"' -e 'set this_folder to (the target of the front window) as alias' -e 'set this_folder to POSIX path of this_folder' -e 'return this_folder' -e 'end tell' -e 'end try' -e 'set this_folder to POSIX path of (path to desktop)' -e 'return this_folder');
    cd $myPath;
    touch newfile
    Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong (or perhaps the Beta hasn't reached that point yet)? Also, if someone would like to lend a hand, all I want is a workflow that allows me to create a file. If you really want to have fun, an optional keyword argument which can specify the filename (and extension) would be even better. 
    Thanks in advance, 
  3. I've found that Finder's "Open With" menu can accumulate some duplicates over time (e.g., with WebKit's and TextMate's nightly builds). So, after searching for the Terminal hack to reset the database involved (source), I thought of creating an Alfred Workflow to avoid googling for it every time and to allow for a quick reset. 


    Download the Alfred Workflow [Works in OS X 10.8]

  4. I like to think I'm cool with this Terminal Homebrew theme, with the classic green-text-on-black. I appreciate that we can now adjust the size of the Alfred window. Hopefully, we'll get the ability to use any installed font, like Adobe Source Code Pro or PragmataPro. 



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