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  1. oh sweet, I'm running the preview too but hadn't tried alfred on it yet. Glad to see it seems mostly compatible so far, hopefully that means more focus can go to new features and less focus to squashing bugs.
  2. Sweet, thanks for clearing that up!!! Now it's time to convince the wife that the $30 is worth it lol. Thanks again.
  3. Ok thanks. I'll hold out on getting the powerpack then, and I am very very interested to see what Alfred has in store.
  4. Does anyone know if the version of alfred for yosemite will be a different version? I know it is probably really early in the dev cycle and might be too soon to tell but I didn't know if Andrew had given any word on it. I'm looking to buy the power pack soon but don't want to drop the cash for it and then the version for Yosemite in the fall be a separate version. Thanks guys (and gals).
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