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  1. @Vero Thank you for your message. I tried that on both devices. Access was already granted so I quit the application, removed and re-added access, but it doesn't solve the problem.
  2. Files are offline on all devices. I also updated to the latest version of Dropbox and did the right-click thing again, but to no avail.. Besides, if entering a snippet by Cmd+Option+S works on all devices (which it does), I can't see how making a file available offline would solve my issue. Thanks anyway for your response!
  3. I use Alfred on several devices (Mac Mini, iMac, Macbook) and I sync my settings via a Dropbox folder. On all devices I am able to press Cmd+Option+S and enter any snippet. I also use a lot of keywords to enter snippets more quickly, but for some reason they only work on my main device (the Mac Mini). Any idea why this wouldn't work on my iMac and Macbook?
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