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Everything posted by Ucalypthus

  1. 🙏 , since Alfred is working fine now , I hope I will never need the troubleshooting 😉
  2. Hi Vero, Sorry for the late feedback on my issue. The good news is that after trying multiple things, I got Alfred back working ... 😉 Maybe I was not looking in the right place, but I could not find a way to create the File Troubleshooting checks. So I could not initiate them (any link to the where I can find them ?). I think the issue was related to the fact that when restoring Ventura, I was asked what to do with the existing user. Since I had full Time Machine backup, I asked to delete the existing users. My account was well restored, but then Alfred did not find my (newly restored) iCloud Drive. My best guess is that some how, there were still references to the "old" deleted user, so Alfred was still looking to the "old" user's iCloud Drive, which was emptied. After completely deleting the "old" user from my system and a new indexation of Spotlight, Alfred also found the iCloud Drive. 😉 Thank you for reaching out, if I you need any further information, please let me know. Best Regards Francis
  3. Hi, Yes, ... I made the mistake to install Sonoma ... :-(( After downgrading back to Ventura 13.6.1 with Migration Assistant using Time Machine back-up, Alfred only find files in my local Documents folders NOT in the iCloud Drive. But Spotlight does find all local and iCloud files. I have followed the Trouble shooting File Indexing instructions, but with no result. File search settings as per default settings. Rebuild the macOS Metadata index and deleted the Spotlight-V100 Folder as well. Alfred only finds files in my Documents NOT in iCloud Drive Any ideas why Alfred can't find files in iCloud Drive ? and how to fix it ? Thanks in advance for your reply. Regards Francis
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