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  1. I deleted my response as I think it might be a library issue, gonna tinker around with some more things, I'll re-post if the tinkering doesn't bear fruit. Thank you for the help!
  2. Hello, I'm using a bash script to execute a Python program that includes the following code: print(f"Recording for {duration} seconds...") audio_data = sd.rec(int(duration * samplerate), samplerate=samplerate, channels=1) sd.wait() # Wait until recording is finished sf.write(filename, audio_data, samplerate) print(f"Recording saved as {filename}") When I run the python script from terminal the audio records fine, but when I try to run the script using an Alfred shortcut and workflow no audio is recorded. I'm guessing this is because Alfred doesn't have recording permissions but I have tried and failed to find a way to trigger the permission request, and any help would be appreciated 🙏
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