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Everything posted by Alfredonna

  1. Ok, that stuff seems a little bit nerdy, but yeah - i see the potential 🙂
  2. Thanks guys! And sry for delay - I was in the wood, i need this from time to time! Sorry, but the powerpack-library does not convcied me? Hal3/4 of this i dont need and the other 1/4 i get also with BTT, sow why is my advantage?
  3. I dont know - i dont see the apossibilitys of ALFRED POWER AC ... there are better complette FREE apps (which i DONAUT.... )before ALFRED! i dont se the the usability of POEWERPACKS... what is---- can i secify TIMER with a "t11m" and this will set q TIMER for 10 Minutes? OR can i look and search a Fuzzy/Missspelling word dircetly via ALFRED via fuzzy (uncorret word like "Necsassry" (i guess each HUIMAN understand what i meaned....) So can ALFRED 1. This word correct spell/replace...... 2. Look in my secondary WORD-Library for Translations 3. in my advancved WORD:Librayry (the THEASAUsurus - its 3ithrd part plugin... but in spotlight its my s ---- Can Alfred set a TIMER to a spcial tim, with SYNTAX like "timmm3mm = set TIMER For 3 Minutes) or timmm4h = set tIMER for 4 hours? BTW tthis is just an example... but "tim" = TIMER and timm means, there is exactly the TIMER mens (no other app, like timemaschine" or other stuff with "tim" in the name! "timm" opens the TIMER and "timmm" is waiting for7m (=7minutes) or 3h(=3 hours)... and athe prompt-key... than it starts immadelitly. That is just an EXAMPLE! Can powerpack does such stunts... ... Another exampl: IF : hit "audm" (i guess no app/ no real word...has such spelling, but IF i hit exact this into ALFRED...ALfred will go an set in SYSTEM SETTINGS > Accesbilyty > AUdio > Set Stereo to MONO! THATS just 2 examples ... can Powerpack do such stunts, and also dozens more... or not? How can i test powerpack (at least for 2 weeks?)
  4. @Vero - thnx! Your future-plan sounds great!
  5. BTW: I also did a RESBUILD osx metadata - ithe issue is still there?
  6. I did and i gave Alfred permission to the first 2 entries - It keeps the same! But for the 3. one (Request Permissions>Automation) - i dont know- i didnt find any +/- to change this??? But does spotlight need automation-scripts++++ or terminal access to find (inside) system-settings. And contacts will alos not fix the problem, i guess. As said its Ventura 13.5.2 (i also run BTT and some Tinker Tool, afaik no other lolw-level-tools...BUT even if booth disabled / reset of Tinker - it keeps the same issue?)) And BTW: I dont want GOOGLE as web-search, i give another serach-engine, but google will keep cmd+1... (i had 2 COMPUTER restarts last days... so this is also not the ground of the problem????)
  7. Its ventura 13.5.2 (i also run BTT and some Tinker Tool, afaik no other lolw-level-tools...BUT even if booth disabled / reset of Tinker - it keeps the same issue?))
  8. Thanks Stephen! 1. Yes, in Alfred Preferences → Default ResultsPreferences under Essentials is checked! 2. Nope, i just have Alfred-free, no powerpacks avaiable!
  9. Via spotlight i get serach-results inside the system-stetting, i can jump directly to eg. Mouse oder display or bluetooth.... But in alfred it seems not possible with the default-settings. What do i have to set? Tankyou!
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