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Everything posted by sönke

  1. Thanks @Stephen_C that worked. Now I have a different error with the python script. [11:10:24.503] asdf[Hotkey] Processing complete [11:10:24.521] asdf[Hotkey] Passing output '' to Run Script [11:10:24.609] ERROR: asdf[Run Script] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/sonkewindhausen/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/721A6D20-D70D-41CB-83A7-6DA6E91B96EF", line 2, in <module> s = sys.argv[1] IndexError: list index out of range I am not sure if it is possible even in theory. I would like to use this workflow while writing and having a hotkey quickly delete everything until the last period. Grateful for any help thanks guys
  2. Thanks @giovanni I put this into the Run-Script. Would I have to download Xcode for this to work? It takes a huge amount of space on my disk. (sorry for the noob questions) Debugger: [07:47:06.406] asdf[Hotkey] Processing complete [07:47:06.416] asdf[Hotkey] Passing output '' to Run Script [07:47:06.420] ERROR: asdf[Run Script] xcode-select: note: No developer tools were found, requesting install. If developer tools are located at a non-default location on disk, use `sudo xcode-select --switch path/to/Xcode.app` to specify the Xcode that you wish to use for command line developer tools, and cancel the installation dialog. See `man xcode-select` for more details.
  3. I would like to have a workflow that deletes everything back to the last period. example: The dog is outside.; he doesn't want to come inside. he's a good workflow desired outcome: The dog is outside.; he doesn't want to come inside. --- Does someone know if that would be possible? I tried to find the correct regex expression, that highlights text (^.!?]*\s*$) but I am not even sure if that is possible in theory. (Alfred 5, PowerPack) Thanks!
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