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  1. Hi Vero, I see now that also the workflow items have been deleted. It seems that all information, snippets an d workflow was all of a sudden gone. Have you received my mail from Thursday including the Alfred diagnostics? Cheers, Rene
  2. The snippets all seem to be all in place. They are not in the trash. I can find the proper collections all under /Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/snippets However Alfred only shows one collection out of the 200; the one I tried to import by opening it from Finder. BTW it is Alfred version 5.1.4 Mac OS 13.6.3 Mac mini M1, 16GB
  3. So after I have restored the proper file, after restarting Alfred the file is back to 37 KB and the date of change is 1 min ago. So somehow Alfred re-installs the old database.
  4. BTW it is Alfred version 5.1.4 Mac OS 13.6.3 Mac mini M1, 16GB
  5. Dear all, I am happy with the speed of your responses, but unfortunately this has not been solved. I have searched on my Mac for any file named snippets.alfdb. It was hidden somewhere in the Library Folder / Application support / Alfred Databases It was indeed just 37K Closed the Alfred App. Then I went to Time Machine. I found the version that was from this morning, size 1.6 MB. I restored it. I opened Alfred. No effect. I quit Alfred. Restored the file again. Rebooted my Mac. I opened Alfred again. No effect. I have attempted to enclose the file that Alfred generates for diagnostics. This I am not allowed to upload for this forum Please send further help. René
  6. I work with many collections (30+) of snippets (1000+). As I wanted to make a new collection based on a previous collection I exported the old collection. Then I made the name for a new collection. Then I went to my folder of exports of collections in Finder (Mac). Double-clicked on the file, expecting it to import in my snippets collection. Instead all collections were gone, being replaced with only the one. 'Undo' is disabled. I regularly make backups of my HD, if only I know which files to find. HELP! These snippets contain many, many days of work. René
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