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Everything posted by minakoto

  1. Hello, I'm relatively new to using Alfred, and I've found the notch on the MacBook somewhat irritating. At times, I do appreciate having a larger screen, however occasionally, I want my menu bar items to be easily reachable. If you have a lot of menu items, some of them maybe hidden behind the 'notch'. So naturally I want a solution to quickly turn the notch on and off. I found the app called 'Say No to Notch', which is a great app! But you'll need to click the menu widget to invoke it, which is not very desirable/efficient for people who don't like to use mouse/trackpad. Luckily, the App 'Say No to Notch' does support Apple shortcut action, which is great! So in an attempt to create a concise way of invoking that action, I've created an Alfred workflow to do this. This is my first time creating an Alfred workflow so and any feedback or advice on this would be greatly appreciated! Workflow github repo: https://github.com/DavidSonoda/toggle-notch Workflow download link: v0.1.0 download link Workflow description: Toggle Notch - An Alfred workflow Turn the notch on Apple Silicon based MacBook on or off quickly. This workflow is essentially a wrapper of an apple shortcut to invoke Say No to Notch's shortcut component. Features This workflow has one single feature: turning the "notch" ON or OFF. Pre-requisites You don't need to do anything to start using this workflow, since it will prompt you install the following pre-requisites for your first run. Mac App Store App: AppStore - Say No To Notch Apple Shortcut: toggleNotch Usage ⏎: Toggle 'notch' on or off, depending on the current state. ⌥⏎: Turn on notch ⌃⏎: Turn off notch Todo Add hotkey activation.
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