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Lucas Steinwalker

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Posts posted by Lucas Steinwalker

  1. I've modified this to prepend "remind " at the beginning of the string to add a reminder without having to type "remind"

    on alfred_script(q)
        set x to "remind "
        set y to x & q
    	tell application "Fantastical"
    		parse sentence y
    	end tell
    end alfred_script

    Thought this might be useful to others.

  2. Hi all,
    Frequently my alfred shortcut (CMD-Space) will stop working and will seem to cause the current working window to become active/inactive rather than popping the alfred window.
    There does not appear to be any common factor to what I was doing beforehand, possibly awaking the system from sleep but it is certainly not 100% replicable by sleeping the system.


    Force quitting the process and re-launching alfred will resolve the issue.


    This is quite troublesome because a huge part of why alfred is helpful involves being able to rely on it consistently. A lot of value of the product is lost if I can't depend on Alfred enough to adjust my habits to use it.


    I gathered a process sample while this is occurring and it is available here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2429555/Sample%20of%20Alfred%202.txt


    I am on 10.9 but this would occur with 10.8 as well


    Thanks for your time


    Adam Ryan

  3. I'd like to point out that I am having a similar problem with an applescript (triggered via automator) which launches iterm2. Here's the script:


    on run {input, parameters}
        tell application "Finder"
            set dir_path to "\"" & (POSIX path of (input as string)) & "\""
                -- display dialog dir_path
        end tell
    end run

    on CD_to(theDir)
        tell application "iTerm"
                set t to the last terminal
            on error
                set t to (make new terminal)
            end try
            tell t
                launch session "Default Session"
                tell the last session
                    write text "cd " & theDir & ";clear;ls"
                end tell
            end tell
        end tell
    end CD_to



    Taken from http://peterdowns.com/posts/open-iterm-finder-service.html


    As much as I am hoping for a solution, the problem does look like it is with iTerm

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