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Nat Harari

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Posts posted by Nat Harari

  1. 35 minutes ago, Vero said:

    @Nat Harari Drag the relevant folder into your search scope in the Default Results preferences to include apps from that folder into your results.


    Alternatively, if you just want one app from an obscure folder and would prefer not to add anything else to the scope, you can create a nickname workflow like this for a one-off file you want to open:



    Let us know how you get on :) 


    Thanks. Yeah, I already had it in my search scope (the entire folder of /opt/homebrew/Cellar/ ) which includes emacs-plus@30 and many others. They are simply not showing in the Alfred results. I tried with the specific emacs-plus@30 folder, sadly producing the same non-result.


    I will check out the link that you posted and see if that works.


    Note: All my brew setups are using the proper ln links after setup, including Emacs. In fact, Emacs is my default text editor for the system, and double-clicking a text file results in it opening up, so my .zshrc setup is also completely correct to point to it for any editing.


    But, for some reason, Alfred doesn't see it. I have no idea why and it's driving me bonkers.


    EDIT: Your solution creating the workflow from template to launch it seems to have worked very well. Thank you!

  2. I'm having a problem since a long time with Alfred: half the time, it doesn't find the alias to my Emacs install with Homebrew.


    Alfred Version: 5.1.4

    Emacs path: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@30/30.0.50/Emacs

    Alias path:/Applications/Emacs Alias

    MacOS: Sonoma 14.1


    I dragged both the Emacs app from the homebrew location, and the alias from Applications into the Advanced interface in the Features section. About half the time, it finds it when I type Emacs, and half the time, it doesn't. It's completely random.

    I'm not sure why. Sure, I can click on the icon but, as an avid keyboard launcher and Emacs user who doesn't like to use the mouse for most things, this is a bit annoying.

    I just thought you might like to know.

    Please let me know if there is more information that you need.


  3. Thanks! I just added it. I admit: I completely missed the "Advanced" button. It was around 7am when I asked so it was before that when I was asking. I just dragged and dropped an .org file into the pop-up window and it seems like it recognised the type automatically. I'll give it time to catalog everything and then try searching again.


    Thank you very much. 👍😀

  4. Hi everyone,

    I'm wondering: How do I get Alfred to search .org files? They're just text files but with .org instead of .txt at the end. I don't see how to add that to get them searched.


    I have a few thousand .org files and I'd like to be able to pull up that info with Alfred.




    P.S. I just found out that you can search for the org file names by typing "org <search>" but it will not search inside the documents themselves.

  5. Hi guys,


    I'm unable to set my Alfred hotkey to Command Space, even after turning Spotlight into Option Space. For some reason, Alfred will take Option or Control with space, but not Command.


    I did see a help file on the site about it and it merely says to make sure spotlight isn't Command Space anymore, which I did.


    Any advice?


    Running El Capitan on a brand new Macbook.


  6. In Alfred's preferences, under Appearance > Options, you can choose from the dropdown on the right to show Alfred on your default screen, on your mouse screen or your active screen. Take your pick as to which option is most convenient for you :)


    Perfect! Thank you. It works wonderfully. I knew there was something I was missing. :)

  7. Hi everyone,


    I'm wondering about Alfred and using it on my second monitor with Yosemite. Right now, it's only displaying on my primary display, but that's a problem as it's my smaller monitor and off to the side. I'm just trying to find a way to make Alfred pop up on my big monitor. It only started doing this when I updated (clean install) to Yosemite.


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