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  1. Thank you David Still no joy though. It only saves me clicking on Finder then NAS. Was just trying to get me head around a workflow. tell application "Finder" activate open folder "Network" of the computer container end tell At least this opens the network folder and I just have to double click on NAS.
  2. Hi I would like to create a workflow that will open a new finder window that will display my NAS with all the shares. This saves me clicking on Finder > NAS ( then all shares are displayed) I have tried to modify and existing New Finder Window workflow but no joy. The closest I can get it to do is open the Network Folder tell application "Finder" activate make new Finder window to open folder "Network" of computer container end tell Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, James
  3. I modified the workflow I downloaded to this: tell application "System Events" set myList to (name of every process) end tell if (myList contains "Google Chrome") is false then do shell script "open -a Google\\ Chrome --new --args http://gmail.com -incognito" else tell application "Google Chrome" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "n" using {command down, shift down} set currTab to the first tab of the first window set the URL of currTab to "http://www.gmail.com" end tell end if this opens a Gmail tab in Incognito mode. Cheers and thanks for the workflow sonny_huynh
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