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Posts posted by austinmann

  1. Hey John, 


    I love this workflow and use it daily for Basecamp. 


    I've just switched to Basecamp 3, and wondering if you will modify to make it for for BC3 as well? I tried to it myself to no avail… thanks a bunch! 



  2. Hey, 


    Thanks for making this. I love the idea of this workflow and it seems to work just fine (i get the notification that says it sends) but nothing goes through.  I am trying to message a US number…  country code (1) prefix (212) number (9024556).  (see attached) 


    Am I filling in the number wrong? 


    In iMessage I've put the icloud account at the top of the list… I only have one icloud  account enabled, too. 


    Thanks in advance! 


    screen shot here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fe96ghpe7bh54lq/Screen%20Shot%202013-12-22%20at%203.56.26%20AM.jpg

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