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Posts posted by Elevenses

  1. Nice, I made something similar a while a back to define words, but then I found it under System Preferences>Keyboard>Services. Still it's pretty useful, looks almost exactly like yours, "selection in macOS" > Web Search. I made a couple others too:



    "selection in macOS" > /usr/bin/osascript

    "tell application "Alfred 3" to search "spell {query}"

    Websearch Chinese

    "selection in macOS" > websearch http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/chindict.php?page=worddict&wdrst=0&wdqb={query}

    or wherever really


    Also noticed you can choose which browser it comes up in, could be nice.

    Screen Shot 2017-11-30 at 7.14.55 PM.jpg

  2. Is there a way to reset the usage graph?


    My usage graph has been going for 2 years, there are months of time in there when I wasn't using the computer, and I'd be interested in a more current average

    possibly with the new year :)



    The Alfred usage graph is actually a really nice rough indicator for when and how much I'm using my computer, and I know there are other ways of measuring time management, but I like this graph, and I'm guessing the data is there, it'd be neat to see specific months with a more accurate X-axis (ex. Thursday November 30th), or a graph including time of day could be neat.


    That last one is a long shot I know, but the graph reset seems reasonable, I tried digging for the graph file and couldn't find it.

  3. I've been using the apple reminders app to keep track of a lot of tidbits of info organized into a handful of lists (e.g., Recommendations, To-do, Jokes), and it would be awesome to have a way of skipping straight to a specific list by typing into Alfred, rather than opening reminders, then clicking on the list (hardly difficult I know, but Alfred has me spoiled on speed everywhere else). Thanks for your time

    - Alex 

  4. Yup, right now the feature I'm most hoping to get out of the Alfred remote is the ability to type into the standard alfred bar from the App. I'd find this particularly useful because I don't have a desktop trackpad and it would be a wonderful means of inputting Chinese characters for which I don't know the pinyin (can only recognize by sight).

  5. I tried out Mjolnir but couldn't make it work. Admittedly I didn't try for a long time, but I don't find layout slow enough to bother switching (~0.5 second). Also at this point I'm pretty enamored with my setup which I use to bounce windows around my monitors.






  6. Alex1729, can you repost the link for the Layout workflow?

    The one you posted links back to this page. Thanks.


    Hey Ritz, it's here



    Oddly though, I installed it out of curiosity to see the preset hotkey settings and now I can't get it to work :(

    I'm not sure whats going on now, but it probably shouldn't be a problem for you, it worked for most of a year for me, and was great all that time.




    Thanks, I'll give it a try!





    Oh, I downloaded an out of date version off that forum, make sure you get the newest version available, on the very bright side the new version comes with a multiple display window hotkey!

  7. 1. Layout http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3154-yet-another-window-layout-workflow/

    Changes windows into preset positions and portions of the screen. It's amazing, particularly with hotkeys for frequently used arrangements.


    2. Volume controls http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1968-volume-adjust-workflow/

    Great for low volumes and fine control, (e.g. when going to my sleep playlist I will set volume to something like 6)


    3. Wifi toggle http://www.packal.org/workflow/toggle-wifi

    I take my laptop places, and I switch wifi on and off. I use wfwf as a quick means to do so.


    4. Wordswith http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2771-wordswith-—-find-words-that-contain-a-particular-pattern/

    I just found this, and I've yet to really use it, but the idea is fantastic and I'm sure when I want it I will be glad I have it.






    5. I made a simple one that pasts the date into my current window (e.g. Thursday August 14, 2014). I use it twice a class for beginning and ending that day's notes. I do wish there a way to add symbols before the date pops out (ex.  ►►► to indicate start), but they always come out on the next line.

    date '+%A %B %d, %Y'
    echo -n "{query}"
    6. I have a one full of website lists which launches a bunch of windows with each site at the same time. It's great for things that update frequently.


    7. I haven't found a good replacement for an Alfred V1.0 workflow which was a super simple alert notification. You typed in "Alert 50:30 Laundry" or something like that and 50 minutes 30 seconds later it would ding loudly and banner "Laundry"

  8. It would be neat if there was a way to quickly switch themes.


    It would search through the names of the themes available, for example you would type "theme light" for the default light theme, or "theme pist" for the pistachio theme.




    Something of less within the general realm of use which I would be highly interested in would be a an action which tied together two actions.

    1. Invert the colors systemwide. (ex. Control+Option+Command+8)

    2. Switch to a specified Alfred theme.

    but I realize this falls more under the workflow category. 

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