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Posts posted by dale

  1. On 6/28/2022 at 6:27 AM, vitor said:

    There is not, by design. A predictable environment helps when sharing Workflows or using them on a different Mac. It also reduces the chance of an external Workflow breaking due to a local change.


    A predictable path makes sense, but you've given Homebrew endorsement with no way for users to opt in to another package manager.  MacPorts is still relatively popular, as far as I know.


    Am I to understand the way forward is to have every individual Workflow author opt in to supporting MacPorts in /opt/local?  Right now I'm looking at having to manually edit the scripts in some workflows I've gotten from the gallery.  I don't yet know how that could affect gallery auto-updates.


    PS: I'll take this opportunity to thank you for your wide-ranging efforts, Vitor.  I've noticed you popping up all over on GitHub when it comes to Alfred, and I appreciate your work to help people make their workflows great. :)

  2. Using Alfred's "Launch Apps / Files" workflow action to launch an application doesn't seem to correctly take focus away from Microsoft Word 2008.  I'll use TextEdit in this example, but I've also reproduced this behavior with Mail.app and Google Chrome.


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Make a simple workflow with a no argument keyword input connected to a "Launch Apps / Files" action that launches TextEdit.  For convenience, I've created such a workflow.
    2. Open TextEdit.
    3. Open Microsoft Word 2008.  A blank Word document is now focused.
    4. Open Alfred via keyboard shortcut, type the keyword assigned in your workflow (e.g. "example" in the workflow I provide), press enter.

    Expected results:


    TextEdit is raised and focused.


    Observed results:


    I'm pretty certain that TextEdit is momentarily raised and focused, but then Word is immediately raised and regains focus.  This happens so fast it appears like a flicker.


    Alfred v2.2 (243), OS X 10.8.5.


    Additional notes:


    If, instead of triggering my workflow, I instead instruct Alfred to run TextEdit normally (e.g. just start typing "TextEdit" and then hitting enter once it has identified the correct application), TextEdit is raised and focused, and it remains that way.  Perhaps the "Launch Apps / Files" action could be changed to use whatever method Alfred normally uses to launch applications, if it's not already?

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