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Posts posted by exalyon

  1. Oh, right. That happens because the workflow identifies each tab with a URL, but doesn't associate the browser with it. So if you tell it to close a tab, all it knows is that you want to close a particular URL. Alfred used to only be able to copy the "arg" of a result when you hit cmd+c, so while I could have added the browser to the arg, you'd end up copying URLs like "chrome;http://google.com/". I instead opted to only use the URL of the tab as the arg, which unfortunately means you'll have issues like the one you described.


    I just looked in to it though, and it seems Alfred v2.3 has a fix for this. I'll try to get it updated later today.


    Ah, ok. Thank your for the explanation and for the great work.

  2. Hi again, I think I found a bug: if I open a safari tab in chrome and try to kill the tab in safari from your workflow, both tabs are deleted.

    This happens if I copy and paste the link and if I use the open-in-chrome workflow.





    I just paid for a powerpack license to be able to use this workflow, and now I'm not sure if it was worth the money.  :(

    It was probably the best choice after buying a mac : )

  3. Hi there, I spent a lot of time with the theme editor trying to create a set to fit the new OS X.


    I wanted something that feels part of yosemite and looks like the menu bar windows so I made 4 different versions: dark and light with blue or gray selection.


    Two screens to see how it looks when I fire cmd+space and type hello:







    Link to an imgur album showing selection colors and my preferences: https://imgur.com/a/SiXbW



    DOWNLOAD SET (4 themes): http://goo.gl/PxPtVe





    1) I tried a version without the separator line but I think it looks more organized in this way.

    2) Shortcuts are shown because I use them and I do not like that empty space that is created if they are off... it feels like the alfred window should be cut in half.

    3) Subtext is shown with a modifier key (advanced settings).

    4) Speaking about the opacity of "background color", I think 75% would look better with the dark theme but there is a reason if it is set to 88%. Alfred blur is different and I really do not like a low opacity theme when I am editing text: you can still see there are words behind.

    5) You can change the width by pressing cmd and move the cursor near the borders. A nice alternative is the smallest setting.



    QUESTION: the link is dropbox, is there a way to upload files and forget about them without having a dead link?

  4. EDIT: the OP helped me and it now works as I want. I will post what I changed because I am sure (uhm, I hope) there are humans like me that does not understand coding well.


    1) to customize icons, modify the filter.rb file where it says def icon_for_tab

    2) to display tabs in safari order "remove :uid => tab.url," from filter.rb


    This is in my opinion the best workflow for tabs and it works well with the "open safari tab in chrome and viceversa", which is useful if you do not use flash or just need chrome sometimes. Download now!

  5. I did it, thank you! I also changed the icon for latin (reminds me of denmark) with vh.png (vatican).

    As for russian, I read what I should do twice and disabled it.


    Is it possible (in a human way) to show "loading", "..." or just show the flags until results are ready? right now it seems to show the first letter if the query is short and cut in half the phrase if it is long. 


    One more thing: any chance to have a workflow like this one but for currency conversion? I tried many (one is yours deanishe!) but I would like to type "convert 50" and see enabled currencies instead of "convert x eur to usd" and the like.

  6. Thank you for the workflow. I have some questions:

    1) I would like to use the union jack instead of the usa flag for the english language. How can I do it without creating troubles?

    2) Russian results are in cyrillic, is there a way to show them in our alphabet?

    3) Welsh language uses union jack, I think it should use the welsh one.

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