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Carlos-Sz last won the day on December 8 2021

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  1. Beta: 4.1 for Alfred 4 First update for Alfred 4. Note that the BBCode keyword was not updated yet (may be removed after all). Download
  2. When I was a regular Vim user I was delighted to have the Edit With worklow to enable me to use it in other apps. I have been away from Vim for a while now and am just getting back.


    Edit With seems not to be working for me. It may be that I am not remembering how to use it. My recollection was that by typing in the Edit With hotkey while in another app Vim would be opened, I composed my text, then pasted back with the hotkey for that. 


    Alternatively Edit With is no longer working. I have Alfred 4.6.1 and macOS 11.6.2. Should it work?


    Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ericweir


      Now wish there was a way to call iVim from other iOS apps the way there is in macOS.

    3. ericweir


      I've installed the workflow. Noting happens. Either on bare Command-E or Command-E after selecting text.

    4. Carlos-Sz


      Did you change the original hotkey (control+option+command+e)?


      Did you try the keyword "edit with" within Alfred?


      Let me know...


      Finally, make sure to follow the steps below:


      1. in the initial application optionally select some text
      2. bring Alfred and type the keyword editwith
      3. now select your text editor: just start typing to find it and hit return key
      4. the editor will be opened with the text you have selected initially or blank if there was
      no text initially
      5. after writing, bring Alfred and type the keyword pasteback (the workflow will select
      the text automatically)
      6. the previous application will be displayed and the text will be pasted back

  3. As far as I could check, Evernote 10 does not support AppleScript at all.
  4. Thank you for the feedback. Please, try the following version. It removes Alfred 3 references. Download Recent Items 4.3 beta 2
  5. Here is a first beta for Alfred 4: Download Recent Items 4.3 beta 1
  6. This was a tool offered by Alfred team. Maybe Vero could give us a new link.
  7. I can't tell for sure, but considering I got an error in another workflow maybe I'll need to update it due Alfred latest changes... However, I can't do it right now.
  8. Evernote changed (a long time ago) the way it stores locally the notes but it didn't provide an AppleScript command to access them. For the workflow it was an Evernote limitation.
  9. Make sure to use the keyword “preload” in order to refresh your pins. Thank you for your suggestions.
  10. Here is an update for Alfred 4: DOWNLOAD NOTE: Right now the workflow does not support URLs with "#" in it.
  11. Evernote 9 beta 4 Workflow for Alfred 4 Here is an update to address the new Alfred 4 data folder (thanks to xilopaint). DOWNLOAD
  12. Thank you for the advice. I have never used GitHub but I'll try it eventually.
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