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Posts posted by levelbest

  1. I know that Alfred can do a lot more than I currently can do with it. One of the ways I have come to depend on using Alfred is to look for a document by first remembering what I used to create it, arrowing to the right to see recent documents, and arrowing down and selecting the document.

    I am also seeing that as I just sampled when writing this, Pages showed only two recent documents in Alfred. Then, after I launched Pages and checked recent documents, quit Pages and tried again in Alfred, I saw a full list of recent documents - many more than two.


    I am seeing that Alfred seeing recent documents is not always accurate. I am wondering if there is a setting I need to adjust, if this is a bug, or if this is just because some software developers follow a non standard approach to how they store there recent documents compared to how Alfred sees them? I was writing initially about iStudio but Pages has to be pretty Apple standard.

  2. 12 minutes ago, vitor said:

    Quite frankly, I’ve stopped reading there. If by now you still can’t understand I’m simply explaining why the request is unlikely to be fulfilled, and not arguing for it not be fulfilled, then it’s unlikely you ever will.





  3. On 2/9/2017 at 11:13 AM, vitor said:

    Finally, I’ve frequented these forums every day for the past few years and don’t remember anyone else having requested video tutorials from the main team.


    Wow, nobody else wants what you want - therefore your opinion is not valid? Seriously? I thought the response the OP made was light, enjoyable and respectful. It was clearly not received by someone with a sense of humor.  I am nervously wading in here to unfamiliar waters but I can't see being told that your question never has been asked here before and therefore it is a pointless question. If I don't ask, I don't learn.


    I don't have it all figured out in life and I am not afraid of asking questions when I either don't understand a thing (as was indicated by my recent post on workflows), or asking for what I want that might be a good idea for an improvement to an app that I am also using. No need to make it personal.


    Some products have legions of “how to” videos and I observe that some of the things which Alfred can do are rather obscure - unless you already “get it” and of course, what would be the point of someone who already gets it wanting to see a video? Someone who already gets it would want the development team to spend more time developing the advanced solutions that he wants, and not wanting them wasting time on what he does not need. But please bare in mind that there are other levels of user experience here, beginners as well as expert.


    My observation is that Alfred is much more powerful than what you see at first blush. The more easily understood it is, how to access that power, the more version of Alfred Powerpack the team will sell. The more they sell the more money they will make. I want them to succeed. I want the power of the app to be more easily understood.


    Then they can hire out a video production group to make even more videos, etc.  The more I learn, the more I like Alfred.


    That is what I an doing here on the forums, hopefully not getting accused of asking a stupid question but trying my best to learn.


    Luminar is a photo editing app I just purchased a license for. It has many videos on the web that explain exactly how to use it. Alfred does not. MailMate is an email app I recently purchased. It has many videos that explains exactly how to use it. Alfred, does not.


    I have stayed in the shallow end of the pool with Alfred since version 1 using it primarily for finding files and showing them in Finder. I do much better when things are explained to me in a right brained - usually visual, manner.


    I was searching on YouTube before posting on not understanding workflows. I was searching high and low for a video that  could explain how to get started with a workflow. Lots of people showed how cool their workflows were and how great Alfred is. And I learned a good deal from that too. But nowhere have I found a clear video or even written example on getting started in a workflow. You can visit my recent post on trying to understand workflows if you are interested.

  4. OK, I have been a Alfred user from day one. But I have never understood workflows. I just upgraded to V3 and I am again wondering why it is so darned hard to figure out? I need someone to explain how it works. Not how the coding works, not how great workflows are as we all know this by now. I am a highly kinesthetic learner. That means, I need to observe something happening, or at least have someone explain what I am supposed to be doing before the workflow engages. And, what is supposed to happen after the workflow has finished. Nowhere do I see any of this explained.


    For example, I look at the workflow section in Alfred’s preferences, OK. I look at the bottom left and see there are step process parts that I can add - if I had any idea where they go because I have no clue how to actually use a workflow. When I look at the example workflows, no matter how I click, where I click, does it make any sense how this example workflow got triggered.


    That is to say, when I trigger Alfred, and then I type “ama” and hit tab it has filled in “amazon”. So then I type in what I am searching for on Amazon. This is the same for many things of course. But it does not explain to my brain how this is triggering a workflow. Does the amazon search, or the google search, etc. represent an example of a web search, or an example of a workflow?


    I have been reviewing and researching cameras, looking for my next camera. So I would love to create a workflow that would open a browser with searching for a camera part on amazon, dpreview, and a couple of other sites that I like. But how do I get started doing this? Where is there an example of taking what is typed, say, “camera & tab” and then selecting 3 or 4 sites to open set to search on what I will type next? Is this a fancy web search that I need to create and to expand? Or, is there a workflow that I have no clue how to get started with.


    I am less worried about how the workflow parts will fit together in the workflow process - although I am sure there will be questions there later. It’s just that I cannot grasp how these things are getting triggered so I cannot even get started. I cannot understand what is really happening with a workflow. If you look at the workflow examples in Alfred, it does not have a description of what the workflow is supposed to do, it is simply assumed that if you are looking at a workflow example, you must already understand what a workflow is, how it works, or how it is triggered. I beg to differ.


    I put off this last upgrade for quite some time as I had a powerpack license from day one, but all Alfred was to me was a useful spotlight replacement for searching locally.


    I sure wish someone could make things simple enough for me so that I could start understanding and playing with workflows too?



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