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  1. Alright, thanks a lot man! Highly appreciate it! Edit: I can't get it working. Do I have to create a blank workflow and then add an NSAppleScript and make a hotkey for it? I have really no idea what I'm doing. Can you help me out?
  2. Hey there, first of all, I love Alfred! It's made working so much easier. I'm always trying to get even more out of it, so now I would like to ask if my desired workflow is even possible. I'm using the app Airmail to check and write my Emails. So what I would like to have is a hotkey like CMD+Y to start writing a new Email, without having to launch the app first. Can something like this be done? Thanks in advance!
  3. I know this can be done, but I don't know how to create a workflow like that. Which template would I have to use? Thanks!
  4. Hey there, a while ago a user called Blumetopfgewinner posted an great workflow called Synonymesuche auf Woxikon, which is a great synonym workflow for German. Now the link that he's provided is not available anymore, so I was wondering if any of you have that workflow and mind uploading it? I also wouldn't mind if someone could tell me how to create it myself. Thank you very much!
  5. So you mean adding a hotkey to a certain url page? Then I'd still have to enter the text there. That wouldn't save time. Do I understand it correctly?
  6. Hey there, I was wondering if there is the chance to always show the Alfred type window? I would really like this feature because often times I am translating lots of words and it's kind of a drag to always open the Alfred window each time. Is there any way to implement this in an update or is that feature already available and I couldn't find it? Thanks for your help!
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