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Everything posted by frofa

  1. About the deletion: What I mean is the full clipboard history. After "merging" sometimes there is only one item left in the "history", which contains the merged last two items, but the others are gone. In my eyes, the clipboard history can never be empty (or contain only one item) on a computer where the user works with the clipboard (and who doesn't?). It should always have the maximum number of items, which accumulate there until overwritten with newer ones. As to the hotkey, I don't know how Alfred handles this internally. What I meant is that _merging_ should have a separate hotkey, not "normal" copying. I think this should be possible, as Alfred could be made to act on the clipboard content after any keystroke. Similarly to alt-cmd-C which displays the history, e.g. cmd-< could trigger merging, couldn't it? As a solution I could think of: cmd-< (or whatever the user chooses) emulates one cmd-C to get the marked text and put it into the clipboard, then merge the first and the second item in the clipboard, and write the result back to the clipboard and the history. Of course I could just switch off the merging (that's the workaround I am using right now), but isn't it a pity to give up a nice and useful feature of Alfred just because the interplay with another program is a bit tricky to handle?
  2. I have run into the same problem that is already discussed in the knowledge base, namely that Alfred and PopClip do not work together nicely. That's because PopClip triggers a cmd-c event, so when you double-click on a text, Alfred will think you want to append that text to what is currently in the clipboard. Sometimes I had the problem that the clipboard history is deleted then, too, which is certainly not what I want. Could you have a look into this problem? Secondly, I think it would help a lot if Alfred had a preference to let the user set another "hotkey" combo for the "append to keyboard" feature. I'd possibly go for cmd+< or something like that, or C with some other modifiers such as cmd+alt+C. This would not be triggered by PopClip, and would improve the personalization of Alfred at the same time.
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