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Everything posted by trhoppe

  1. Ok, sold! I like the support/UI of Alfred, I just didn't want to spend the $$ on the Powerpack if I couldn't launch those two. Thanks!
  2. I've got 2 apps that are within "Packages" that I want to use Alfred to launch. Both of these are outside of Spotlight scope in the sense that Spotlight doesn't find them. That's the main reason I want to use Alfred. 1) iOS Simulator. It's in Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications. That path is inside of Alfred's "Search Scope". Still doesn't find it 2) PulseTray. It's in Applications/Junos Pulse.app/Contents/Plugins/JamUI. Doesn't find it. Any idaes? Is Alfred not able to search for something that is "Package Contents"? I've got the right paths in Search Scope, and I also added com.apple.application-bundle and public.symlink in the file types. Or is Alfred limited to only things that Spotlight can find? Right now I use Quicksilver and it finds those just fine.
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