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Posts posted by ihavenoidea

  1. I'm looking for a Giphy workflow that will allow me to search, when results are shown ideally I'd like to be able to see the gif preview on the right hand side (similar to the clipboard manager with images). Selecting the image should copy to clipboard and paste image, using an alt key should copy the direct URL.


    I'm sure I could build a workflow to do this using the API but wondered if anyone had already built one or come across one that can do all the above? I have one called Alphy but it doesn't have any preview features.

  2. I've noticed for months when I copy pieces of text/code, and then highlight some text and press paste, the most recently highlighted text is pasted which in affect changes nothing. Theres a strange behavior where something I highlight to replace gets copied to the clipboard, its quote frustrating. I initially thought it was some plugin in my Sublime Text editor thats messing around (as thats usually where I'm copying and pasting snippets in) but I've noticed it happens in my web browser as well.


    I have clipboard manager enabled in Alfred and wondered if theres something in Alfred thats doing this?

  3. I have created a really simple File Action workflow that opens the selected folder in Sublime, like this:



    I noticed that using Run Terminal Command will open the Terminal window which I don't want, looking around the forums it says if I use Run Script instead it will run the command without opening the terminal window however I the exact same command...




    ... doesn't do anything. Am I doing something wrong?



  4. This one shouldnt be too complicated. What scripting/programming languages are you familiar with? 


    1. Adding the option the results actions is done with a workflow. You do this by adding a new Trigger->Result Action.

    2.  The file paths (full paths) are passed to the next step as a tab delimited list. So, you could add an Action->Run Script to your workflow and then, implementation is dependent upon the language you use, you would split the input using a tab as the delimiter.

    3. Next, you would just need to build the string you desire with the filenames in the array.

    4. Finally, you have an option of automatically making Alfred execute this command or copy it to the clipboard.


    Thanks for your response,


    I can code in PHP and Java, I'll can try in PHP if you could help me out with the bit before and after the PHP stuff.

  5. When selecting multiple items in and running CMD + ALT + \ Alfred with copy all filenames into the clipboard.



    What I want to do is extend this functionality either by having an option in the Alfred file menu or even a workflow?


    I want to be able to select a number of files and click on an option in the file menu that will copy it into my clipboard as follows:


    "scp {file(s)} user@remot.com:home/"



    e.g. scp testfile1.txt testfile2.txt user@server.com:documents/


    Could someone help me implement this?

  6. Hello everyone


    I have been using Alfred for more than a year now (Powerpack User), I've learned how to create very basic work flows to run repetitive terminal commands I use however I would like to now do something a little more advanced and was hoping you guys can help me.


    I usually download videos from my Mac and copy them to a video folder in my NAS, the NAS can be seen/connected to via the Shared computers/drive section in Finder. What I would like to do is be able to invoke the 'selected file' action and have a menu item that will copy that file(s) to my movie folder in my NAS.


    I think we will need to use AppleScript to do this as I would like to be able to see the progress of the file transfer (as they are quite large files).


    Here is what I would like to do:


    - Connect to NAS on afp://

    - Mount /video folder (if not already mounted)

    - Copy selected file(s) to this folder

    - Send NC/Growl Notification to say x file(s) have been copied.

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