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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Thanks Dave. I do use Apple's Mail.app and use Applescript with it for launching and recording courses online. The drawback I see with this particular use is how to have the proper search terms applied. For example, I have a workflow that will search for electronics items that i might hear about on a tech podcast. I enter that in omnifocus while i'm on the road. When I get to my computer I copyit from OF and paste it in my electric products workflow (elecp "search terms") which will ultimately open up about 8 tabs in a window. One for google images, one for youtube, amazon, and the rest for various websites for local and online stores that might possibly carry these items. Yes. I am that lazy! I would like to bypass OF and be able to send a mail whose subject matter would be "elecp brother printer laser color" so that when i arrive home I can quickly go tab to tab of prepopulated pages and reduce the amount of time I spend sitting at the computer. So Alfred has no direct way of doing that with an incoming mail? I guess what I will have to research now is it possible to copy/paste a subject line to alfred using applescript. Any other thoughts, always appreciated. Thanks again.
  2. I would like to be able to send an email (much like I can with Omnifocus) to run workflows that I have created to search/gather information that would then be waiting for me when I arrive at home or the office. If I want to research something that I think of on the road, sending an email that Alfred could act on would mean not having to work through the list after I get to the computer. Make sense? Or is there another way of doing this that I am not considering? Thanks.
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