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Posts posted by jk12

  1. I'm still learning everything...literally. Alfred, php, json. I managed to finally get my workflow to POST to my Planka kanboard as a new card. However, I'm now trying to get the card's "due date" populated. For that I need it in json format like this:


    $dueDate = "2022-03-12T21:00:00"


    Bsically, how can I make $dueDate dynamic based on Now and Los Angeles?


    The above works but obviously I need that to be Now (and ideally as Americas\Los_Angeles). The only stuff I can find is to add a class to my script---but I wasn't able to get that to work. Hoping someone has done this before and can just copy/paste something that magically works. Hope I'm asking this right---I'm a bit confused after googling.



  2. Newbie looking to create a workflow that simply passes a URL command (which is received by my Android table running AutoRemote). Question is, how do I send the URL without opening a browser? I'm thinking it's using a POST, curl or something like this...but, I obviously don't know what I'm talking about ;)


    Does anyone have an example workflow I can tear apart to figure this out? I'm sure this is so 1st grade level....

  3. Thanks for posting this! I finally got this working after changing as noted.




    Ben, first and foremost, AMAZING workflow!!!! Thank you!


    I have a small suggestion, would it be possible for you allow for the user to set the IP of their HUE bridge via the "-hue set-bridge" command? Something like "-hue set-bridge".


    The reason why is because for people like me that get an empty response from "http://www.meethue.com/api/nupnp", we are not able to get the bridge to pair. I had to modify the setup.py script so that I could pair my bridge.


    You can see in bold the change I made below. I know that it is not a good permanent change, but it was good enough for me to get it to work.


    class HueAlfredSetup:

        def setup(self):
            r = requests.get('http://www.meethue.com/api/nupnp')
            bridges = r.json()

            # Changed "If not" to an "If" so that it skips to the else.
            if bridges:
                print 'No bridges found on your network.'
                # Statically assigned the IP address of my bridge.

                bridge_ip = ''
                settings = alp.Settings()

                # Create API user for the workflow
                r = requests.post(
                    data=json.dumps({'devicetype': 'Alfred 2'}))

                resp = r.json()[0]

                if resp.get('error'):
                    print 'Setup Error: %s' % resp['error'].get('description')
                    settings.set(bridge_ip=bridge_ip, group='')
                    print 'Success! You can now control your lights by using the "hue" keyword.'

            return None

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