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Sido Weaver

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Posts posted by Sido Weaver

  1. Love this workflow! That said, I'd love a couple of changes even more. :)


    Is there any way to simply have the one, two, or three services I use show up? That would be HUGE!


    Other than that, I don't really get how the ordering works. Currently, I have google with a zero, bitly with a two, and t.cn with a one. That's the only way I could get Bitly to show up first. Seems odd. Why wouldn't zero be the first one displayed, one the second one, etc.?


    Anwyays, thanks for everything! If there is a way to trim down the services available to me, that would be great.

  2. You can use /n


    enn @Notebook :Title Here /n Body Here


    This will work to separate title from body and the second /n used in a command will be a new line.


    This is awesome!  Thank you so much. I love it when something just works well. This workflow is saving me so much time, as one of the ways I use Evernote is to brain dump on the fly. Well, there is no better way to do something "on the fly" than through Alfred. I am not a fan of Evernote's extensions and so forth for making quick notes. Your solution is excellent!

  3. I'm totally new to workflows, and this is an awesome one!  Thanks!


    That said, I have a question. I can't figure out how to create a new note with a title. For instance, I want to type a new note (not from the clipboard or selected text or anything) and I want to give it a title and then add the note. I type in enn, choose the notebook I want it to go in, and then start typing but it puts everything I type into the Title of the note AND the body of the note.  How do I keep the title in the title field and the note itself in the body/content field? It seems like that functionality should be there, but I can't figure it out.


    Hope that makes some sense.



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