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Posts posted by nebaon

  1. Hello,


    great that you answer that fast, thanks a million.


    It does not seem solvable though. 

    I tried the commands but somethings seems to be off:

    Last login: Fri Apr 14 14:29:33 on ttys000
     ~ % sudo '/Applications/Python 3.9/Install Certificates.command'
    sudo: /Applications/Python 3.9/Install Certificates.command: command not found
     ~ % pip install certifi
    zsh: command not found: pip
     ~ % 


    I will try to update Cookie / SpaceID later on.


    Thanks again, 


  2. I have trouble getting it to run after updating on the latest MacOS. 


    I tried the certificates command and get

    sudo: /Applications/Python 3.9/Install Certificates.command: command not found
     ~ % python --version
    zsh: command not found: python
     ~ %


    I also reinstalled Python 3 and then Python 2 via homebrew as explained here:



    No success. I always get this error message:

    [13:54:27.046] Notion Search[Script Filter] {"items": [{"uid": 1, "type": "default", "title": "There was an error:", "subtitle": "253: 'Payload' object has no attribute 'pages'", "arg": "notion://www.notion.so/"}]}


    Has anyone an idea how to solve this?

  3. I keep getting 


    [16:00:22.768] Notion Search[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished

    [16:00:22.776] Notion Search[Script Filter] {"items": [{"uid": 1, "type": "default", "title": "Open Notion - No results, empty query, or error", "arg": "https://www.notion.so/"}]}


    No further error mentioned in the debugger. Running Alfred 5 / MacOS 12.0.1 on M1 MacBook Air. Any idea where to look?


    Thanks in advance!

  4. I checked a bunch of similar questions but so far have not find an answer to that.


    Usecase: I want to build an e-mail that has differents variable parts in it that get used elsewhere too. I my idea was to make it modular: define the modules as workflows (as they have interactive variables in them) and chain them together in one bigger mail workflow that calls the modules and put all outputs together.


    I defined external triggers for the modules but can't find a way to call them appropriately and afterwards save the outputs as a variable I can use. (The external trigger output would end the flow and I can't get the apple script variant to work).


    Can anyone help out?

  5. Hey folks,


    the workflow as in 3.1 and with the change suggested by cands is still working for finding and manipulating tasks. BUT Omnifocus will not open to show a task / project / context etc. Looks like there is a small bug in the script. Anybody with enough experience here to update the script?


    Edit 2: I´ll copy the official OF documentation for how to open a specific thing in Omnifocus. That should be the key..

    tell application "OmniFocus"
        tell default document
            make new document window with properties {perspective name:"Review"}
            activate "OmniFocus"
        end tell
    end tell 

    Edit: An idea: The bug might be the file focus.scpt within in the actions folder of the workflow (you get there by using the steps cands pointed out):

    on run argv
    		set theMode to (item 1 of argv)
    		set theObjName to (item 2 of argv)
    		my focusInOF(theMode, theObjName)
    	on error errmsg
    		return errmsg
    	end try
    end run
    on focusInOF(theMode, theObjName)
    	tell application "OmniFocus"
    		tell default document
    			if theMode is "c" then
    				set theList to flattened contexts where name = theObjName
    			else if theMode is "p" then
    				set theList to flattened projects where name = theObjName
    			else if theMode is "f" then
    				set theList to flattened folders where name = theObjName
    			end if
    			set oWin to make new document window
    			tell oWin
    				if theMode is "c" then
    					set («class FCvm») of oWin to "context"
    					tell sidebar
    						set (selected smart group identifier) to "all-contexts"
    					end tell
    					set («class FCvm») of oWin to "project"
    					tell sidebar
    						set selected smart group identifier to "all-projects"
    					end tell
    				end if
    				if (count of theList) = 0 then return
    				set theObj to item 1 of theList
    				if theObj is missing value then return
    				if theMode is "p" or theMode is "f" then
    					set focus to {theObj}
    				end if
    				tell sidebar
    					«event OTREisal» {theObj}
    				end tell
    			end tell
    		end tell
    	end tell
    end focusInOF

    I tried to locate the author - looks like he´s not around anymore. His blog also is down.


    Hope we´ll get that running,


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