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Posts posted by wookayin

  1. I am using Alfred 4.6.1, macOS 12.0 Monterey on a M1 mac.


    Alfred was all working alright until a few days ago -- now it does not respond to the Alfred Hotkey (Cmd+Space in my case).


    Alfred 4 is running well in the background, i.e., when I open the Alfred application via Applications folder or Spotlight, or `open -a "Alfred 4"`, the window opens and everything is okay. But it never responds to the hotkey. I tried changing global hotkey to something else (that is never likely to be in conflict with other apps), but no luck. If reboot the machine it works, but shortly a while after the same phenomenon happens again (Alfred does not respond).


    I am absolutely sure this is NOT a conflict with other applications. I checked https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/cmd-space/ and they are all clear. All other applications that also use (other) global hotkey works perfectly fine. How can I troubleshoot this?


    Thank you.

  2. Hello,


    Recently I've written a new workflow named 'LaTeX Symbols' !

    It will help you looking for LaTeX symbol commands with ease.


    It is quite similar to Detexify (http://detexify.kirelabs.org/symbols.html),

    and the list of symbols are borrowed from @kirel's detexify.





    You can download the workflow at https://github.com/wookayin/alfred-latex-symbols-workflow/releases or (Direct Download, v0.2)

    or, browse the github repository: https://github.com/wookayin/alfred-latex-symbols-workflow


    Please let me know if there is any bug or suggestions for improvement. You'll need a ruby installation.



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