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Posts posted by tjh

  1. will take a look!


    By the way, if you're mostly interested in emailing contacts, check out my MailTo workflow.
    It handles diacritic folding and fuzzy searching (e.g. "js" will match "John Smith"), and makes sending emails to multiple recipients, and especially contact groups—which almost no email client handles properly—a doddle.

  2. Hi,


    I'm on OS X 10.10.5 and Alfred is on v2.8.3.


    I've noticed that Alfred doesn't search Contacts with an accent-insensitive collation like Spotlight does.


    I have a contact entered as "Rob Muñoz". Using Spotlight, I can search with "Munoz" and he will come up. Alfred won't do the same.


    Now the interesting thing is Alfred's folders and files search logic does seem to use an accent-insensitive collation. After creating two folders named "TestFolder" and "TestFölder", both will show up in a "show" or "open" search when using the terms "folder" or "földer".


    So, it seems the issue may be specific to Contacts alone.


    Thanks for an awesome product!




  3. Hi,


    I just tried creating a workflow that will copy a single tab character to the clipboard and paste it into the frontmost app.


    However, the Copy to Clipboard item's textbox will show me entering the tab character, but when I hit Save and then reopen that Output action, the tab character is gone.


    I'm guessing that textbox is trimming whitespace upon saving. Is there a way to force the tab character to persist?




    PS The reason I'm creating this workflow is to get around OSX on Chrome not recognizing Option + Tab, or other typical commands to force a tab in a text entry area.

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