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Add an option to Script Filter - Filter Result to keep running the script on rerun


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At the moment, when setting a Script Filter to let Alfred filter the results, Alfred blocks the rerun from running the script again and again when the user begins to write a query to filter. This is great to keep the filtering study (the list doesn't change while typing), but this prevents the rerun feature to do what it is made (update the list from time to time). So, I think it would be great to allow the rerun to be made even if we are filtering the result in Alfred (at the moment I'm doing the filtering inside the script instead of Alfred so it keeps running on and on). Maybe it would be great to have an option in the new menu that we can access from the cog next to the "Alfred Filters Results" checkbox ?


Now that new filtering algorithms are being added to this Alfred filtering feature, I'm planning on letting Alfred filter the results as much as possible, but this is one thing that prevents me from using it ;)

Edited by GuiB
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