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Better search option with Alfred Music Mini Player


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I love Alfred so much and would also use its Music Mini Player – however what makes me sadly dismiss this feature is that searching for a song is not as flexible as in iTunes / the Apple Music app itself.


Example: I'm searching for REO Speedwagon – Keep On Loving You


In iTunes / Music any combination of fragments of the title and artist (also album) gives the result – I can type "REO Loving" for example. Or "Speedwagon You Keep". Whatever fragments with whichever sorting, they all will lead to the result which is very helpful especially if I don't have the full title / artist name correctly in my head.


In Alfred Music Mini Player, I have to type "Keep On Loving" (or how much of the title I want) in the exact correct order. Otherwise no results.


If I simply overview a setting or am doing this wrong, I would be glad if you could drop me a hint. Otherwise, I would be SO thankful if this is fixable. Thanks so much and keep up the great work – Alfred is a fantastic app, using it for years with Powerpack! :)


Greetings from Germany!

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