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Starting with Automation tasks

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Hi Forum


I received great help here already where forum members created a workflow for me.

Thanks again for that.


Since Alfred 5 I understand that lots of workflows that required programming before, now can be done with these Automations.

So I got really interested and really would like to teach this to myself, since learning how to program was always a too big step for me.


This will be for sure a step by step process and I would probably ask questions here from time to time when I have an issue.

Thanks in advance for any help already 🙂


At the moment I am going through the "Getting Started" and online help files.

And my first issue is that I am not sure where the sample files in Alfred 5 are.







On this site the text refers to the example "Simple-To-Do-List". But I can't find this in my Alfred 5.

There is no "Get Started --> Workflow Variables" and no "Examples" section.


Is this deleted in Alfred 5 and is there a way to find the example workflow somewhere?


I only have these:




Thanks a lot in advance for your help.


Edited by Alfred-Chris
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