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Textshot: Copy text from screenshot to clipboard

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Hey there!

I am writing a lot of prompts for ChatGPT nowadays and I sometimes struggle with manually reformatting or retyping text that I want in my prompt which is not easily copy and pasteable. I wanted a way to quickly capture a screenshot and convert the text to plain text, then copy it to my clipboard - all in one go.


This very simple workflow will allow you to select a window within your screen, then takes a temporary screenshot, recognizes the text in the window using tesseract and copies the text. (Note that you need to install tesseract for this to work (e.g. `brew install tesseract`) and might need to set screen recording permissions for Alfred)


You can download the workflow and find the installation instructions on its GitHub page here: https://github.com/benheckmann/alfred-textshot/releases/tag/v1.0.


Please let me know if this is of any use to you and if you have suggestions to extend or improve this.

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