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Trouble authorizing nut.js when run in alfred workflow

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Hey ! 

I'm trying a small project to get used to alfred workflows, and I'm trying to build a small lorem ipsum generator that would auto-type my lorem string into whatever input is focused.

My repo is over here : https://github.com/polfor/Alfrem-Ipsum

Nut.js requires that you authorize the process running the script for computer control, but I can't seem to make it work. I have tried authorizing :

  • Alfred (already authorized)
  • Node.js's runtime (/usr/local/bin/node)
  • zsh (/bin/zsh)

It looks like the process running the script is neither of those because the debugger returns the following Nut.js error :


##### WARNING! The application running this script tries to access accessibility features to execute typeString! Please grant requested access and visit https://github.com/nut-tree/nut.js#macos for further information. #####


Has anyone found which process runs those scripts ?

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