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Multiple Text inputs and custom fields - fastkeys


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Hi guys,


I am a loving alfred user for a year now. As I switched from windows where I used fastkeys, I cant figure out how to work with multiple input fields with multiple steps.

For expample: 


I have a template which tells me the following
Role: List of 20 different opfions  to choose from

Prompt. Custom Field to fill out
Context: Custom Field to fill out
Lenght Custom Field to fill out
Varations: Custom Field to fill out

Style: List of 20 different opfions to choose from


After I put all the information in it should put out the filled out template as one text.


The problem I have now is, that I dont know where to start with this custom workflow and I would be very pleased if somebody could be me understand how alfred is working in that case. maybe someone of you does have a similar workflow to share so I can learn from your template?

sry for bad english, not native






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