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Atlassian Activity Workflow

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Hi All,

I've made a workflow for accessing the Atlassian Activity feed, and displaying a picker for recent activity in Jira and Confluence:




This workflow is not affiliated with Atlassian, and I wish to make clear this is a third party product and not a product offered by Atlassian.

You can download it from https://github.com/robbieg8s/alfred-workflows/releases/tag/workflows-atlassian-v1.0.1 

It provides two keywords:

- aa which searches recent Atlassian Activity
- a? which is used to configure the workflow

It supports multiple Atlassian accounts (for those of use with home and work accounts), and is authenticated using Atlassian tokens which are kept in the macOS keychain. There's documentation for the configuration flow at


since it gets a little involved.

The workflow is self-contained (running on osascript) and does not (to my knowledge) require special configuration beyond Alfred. I'll happily fix any problems found of course.

I've not released a personal workflow to this forum before - if you have trouble installing it let me know and I'll do my best to troubleshoot.

I'm also open to any rough edges / feature requests - I have a few ideas myself, but feedback from other users is always invaluable.


Disclosure: I used to work for Atlassian, but no longer do. This workflow was implemented by me after leaving Atlassian.

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