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Your Photo Stream Photos in Dropbox or wherever you want

Guest tecnoborder

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Guest tecnoborder

Want to have your photo stream photos in dropbox? Just follow these simple steps:


1) open alfred preferences

2) create new blank workflow

3) press + button and select triggers - hotkey

4) choose a keyword: for example ps, a title (I set Photo stream) and a subtext (copy my photo stream in dropbox)

Remember to select no argument.

5) For the icon go to http://www.apple.com/icloud/features/

and simply drag and drop photo stream icon into alfred blank box.

6) save the hotkey

7) press again + button and select Actions run script

8) from the language menu select /usr/bin/osacript

9) in the script box copy and paste this text:


tell application "Finder"
set this_folder to "Macintosh HD:Users:USERNAME:Library:Application Support:iLifeAssetManagement:assets" as alias
set target_folder to "Macintosh HD:Users:USERNAME:Dropbox" as alias
copy (every file of the entire contents of this_folder whose name contains "IMG") to the target_folder with replacing
end try
end tell
1) change username with the mac's name
2) If your HD isn't Macintosh HD just change it with the right name of your drive
3) If you want to copy your photos in another place change dropbox with the wanted location
4) If you aren't an iphoto fan and you haven't installed it you can change copy (before the sentence every file of the entire....) with move. Using this option every photo will be moved in the location you have chosen.
Rename the workflow and you are ready not to use iPhoto for seeing your photo stream photos.
Dont' delete iPhoto because iCloud needs iPhoto or Aperture to download the photos,
I hope this will be helpful,
Edited by tecnoborder
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