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WWDC search 1.1: search for local WWDC 2013 session pdf, video or download as needed

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[sorry this workflow might interest only a limitted number of persons - I thought I would still share it here]


WWDC Search 1.1 workflow



 be registred as an Apple developper. This workflow comes with a bash script that download WWDC 2013 video sessions (and PDF presentations). To download WWDC sessions, you must have Apple developper portal credentials



wwdc <keyword>



while typing "wwdc", you will have option to search for:

  1. the pdf (presentation) version of a session, then open it or download it if not already downloded.
  2. the video version of a session, then open it or download it if not already downloaded.
  3. particular keywords on asciiwwdc.com website (CMD+Y) for page preview.


use the bash script once to get downloaded all media and pdf files in one shot (25 GB for full list of SD videos)


wwdcVideoPDFGet-curlVersion.sh my.appleid@me.com


 - from Github page of wwdc-downloader bash script.

 - direct workflow download (that embed wwdc-downloader bash script)



 - more info on wwdc-downloader from my blog post.

 - a quick article I just wrote on this workflow.

 - video of workflow in action:





Edited by _oho
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