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Distraction free - FreedomApp workflow

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Posted (edited)

Hi, I quite do not know nothing about programming. I discovered Alfred about a year ago and I am absolutely addicted to it thanks to all the scripts that all of You are creating! - respect -

I do a lot of writing on my machine, and mostly I need a distraction free enviroment. 

I used SelfControl to cut of internet, launched with Alfred, as I managed to glue together some scripts from internet (ex for 15 min below):



on alfred_script(q)

tell application "SelfControl" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "SelfControl"
tell slider of window "SelfControl" to set value to 15
click button "Start" of window "SelfControl"
end tell
tell window 1 of process "SecurityAgent"
with timeout of 15 seconds
set tryAgain to false
set value of text field 2 of scroll area 1 of group 1 to "MYPASSWORD"
on error
delay 1
set tryAgain to true
end try
if not tryAgain then exit repeat
end repeat
click button 2 of group 2
end timeout
end tell
end tell
Lately I started to use FreedomApp, but I can not find any way to launch it from Alfred for a specified period of time.
Mayby someone has any experience with it? Sorry for my bad English, and thank You for any help in advance
Edited by mcbee

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