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Beyond Compare 4

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Open files in Beyond Compare using Alfred



WORKFLOW UPDATED: 01-05-2015 a small issue is solved: it was not possible to use the workflow multiple times while BeyondCompare was still open.




Make sure you have installed the Beyond Compare command line tools.


System Modifications

The workflow can create a hidden file in your home directory called .bcleft. When uninstalling this workflow, remove this file manually.



  • Open file1 in Beyond Compare

    bcomp file1
  • Select file1 for the left panel, and compare it with file2

    bcleft file1
    bcomp file2

Usage as a file action

  • Select one file and in the File Actions menu choose: Compare with Beyond Compare
  • Select two files (using File Buffer) and in the File Actions menu choose: Compare with Beyond Compare
  • Select one file and in the File Actions menu choose: Left compare with Beyond Compare. Then select a second file and in the File Actions menu choose: Compare with Beyond Compare

NOTE: the two methods of usage can be combined.










Github: https://github.com/vdende/alfred-beyondcompare4

Download: https://github.com/vdende/alfred-beyondcompare4/raw/master/Beyond%20Compare%204.alfredworkflow

Edited by vdende
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