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Toggle Fn Key Workflow Not Working anymore

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I've been using this workflow for a while to easily toggle my fn key behavior for video games, but the workflow doesn't seem working since I updated to Alfred 2.8.1


This is what the script looks like:


on alfred_script(q)
tell application "System Preferences"
    set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.keyboard"
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "System Preferences"
            click checkbox "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" of tab group 1 of window "Keyboard"
        end tell
    end tell
end tell
end alfred_script
Any help is appreciated!
  • 2 months later...

Using OS X 10.11.13 and have included code below that works for me:


on alfred_script(q)

tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.keyboard"
end tell

tell application "System Events"
-- If we don't have UI Elements enabled, then nothing is really going to work.
if UI elements enabled then
tell application process "System Preferences"
get properties

click radio button "Keyboard" of tab group 1 of window "Keyboard"
click checkbox "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" of tab group 1 of window "Keyboard"
set messageToShow to "Function keys set to "
if (value of checkbox "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" of tab group 1 of window "Keyboard") as boolean then
set messageToShow to messageToShow & "standard function keys."
set messageToShow to messageToShow & "media/hardware controls."
end if

display notification messageToShow
end tell
tell application "System Preferences" to quit
-- GUI scripting not enabled.  Display an alert
tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.security"
display dialog "UI element scripting is not enabled. Please activate this app under Privacy -> Accessibility so it can access the settings it needs."
end tell
end if
end tell 

end alfred_script

Hope it works for you as well, good luck!




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