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Caleb Grove

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  1. Xiabai, Close, but not quite close enough. The problem with the <code>run()</code> function is that it requires that the script to be saved as an application rather than a script. That actually makes is rather difficult to run with arguments, unless you like a new terminal window popping up every time you run the workflow. But yeah, that function is basically what I'm looking for, though in a way that can be used in a regular .scpt file.
  2. I've been playing around with the new JavaScript for Automation in Yosemite, and I must say that I've been smitten. It so much more predictable than AppleScript. However, I'm a noob when it comes to scripting in general. So, on that note, does anyone know how I should be implementing JavaScript into my Alfred workflows? It won't run in a NSAppleScript action, nor will it run if I put in in a Run Script action with the language set to osascript. I was able to get it to work if I placed the script inside the workflow folder and ran it with a bash command, but then how do I grab the arguments in the script? Thanks!
  3. Shawn, Thanks for the feedback. I'm running OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Alfred 2.3, and v1.1 of the workflow. Nothing has changed regarding the problems. Let me know if I can be of anymore help!
  4. Actually, the cause of the second problem *might* be that the path to the file is not being escaped where there are spaces in the directory names.
  5. Shawn, Thanks for the incredibly useful workflow. However, I'm having a few problems. First, when I create a cron job with `osascript "link/to/script.scpt"`, the file created in `~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/alfred.cron.spr/scripts/file` is this single line: #!/bin/bash\nset -o errexit\nosascript "link/to/script.scpt" Instead of creating line returns at the \n's, it's putting it all on one line, which doesn't work as that line is commented out. This is fixable by manually editing the file, but still a problem. The other problem that I'm experiencing is that I can't edit the cron jobs using the built-in editor/creator tool. When I select a cron job from the list in Alfred, nothing happens, but this is logged in Alfred's workflow debugger tool: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.script] Code 127: script.sh: line 73: /Users/Caleb/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.360CC9C8-78BA-4E04-A156-E7E4B63CCCE8/manage.sh 'edit' 'test' '/Users/Caleb/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/alfred.cron.spr/scripts/test': No such file or directory The script "test" does indeed exist at that location. Any ideas?
  6. Get it at Packal. Create Sticky Notifications is an unofficial workflow that works in conjunction with Sticky Notifications (app). Prerequisites OSX 10.7+ Sticky Notifications (app) Alfred Powerpack Usage Create Sticky Notifications relies on multiple optional arguments to define the notification's title, subtitle, and message. These arguments are separated with a ":". The complete syntax: sn Title:Subtitle:Message. If you only use one argument (sn Drink Coffee), then that argument will become the notification message. If you use two arguments (sn To Do:Reply to Chris) then the first argument will be used for the title, and the second will be used for the message. If you use all three arguments (sn To Do:Reply to Chris:Schedule meeting for Wednesday), the first argument will become the title, second will be the subtitle, and the last argument will be the message. Get it at Packal.
  7. The problem is that 2Do has no good hooks to use, or AppleScript support (though the dev does say this is coming). However, there is URL Scheme support that allows for some interaction with other apps. I've created a very limited workflow that uses the URL Scheme to create a task. It's far from ideal, and someone with more experience and time would be able to come up with something far more powerful, but it works for me. To create a task, type "todo" followed by the title of the task, then (optionally) a list title prefixed by a ":". Download here.
  8. Piet, Thanks! I tend to do a lot of Whois lookups and this fit the bill perfectly.
  9. First, credit where credit is due. The brains of this action come straight from Matthew Harrison-Jones "Toggle Visibility of Hidden Files" workflow. I just modified the commands. This is a simple action that will allow you to quickly toggle the visibility of drop-shadows during window captures. Toggle it using the "shadow" keyword. You can also use "show" and "hide" as arguments. Download here: http://packal.org/workflow/toggle-drop-shadow-window-captures
  10. This is probably only useful for a handful of people who seem to spend a lot of time looking at Google Pagespeed Insights (like me), but I thought I'd share it nevertheless. Usage is very simple; open the site in Safari or Chrome, bring Alfred up, and type "pagespeed". It will open the results in a new tab, and is smart enough to use the browser that was on top. As this is my first Workflow, please let me know if you run into any bugs. Download: http://cl.ly/Rx1c
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