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  1. Thank you for your comment, vitor. I have edited my post to show "there is not default Hotkeys" and added another screenshot with no HotKeys assigned.
  2. An Alfred 3 workflow to: Have exactly two Finder windows opened and arrange them side-by-side.Bring keyboard shortcuts of a typical dual-pane file manager, e.g. Total Commander in Windows, to Mac. The versions for Alfred 3 & BetterTouchTool and the source codes in Applescripts are available on https://github.com/sjackwu/DualFinder. After import/install the workflow, you'll need to assign Hotkeys to the operations by yourself. I use notes in the workflow to remind/recommend you which Hotkeys to use for each operation. Some operations use Applescript GUI script and they are tested in the default Finder environment (i.e. default Hotkeys, menu items and toolbar), and they may need modifications to run properly on your Mac. A list of recommended Hotkeys (you can find them in the note area of each operation), and you can change them to whatever Hotkeys you want. ⌘⇧⌥⌃F: Dual Finder Windows ⌘↩: Open file ⌃⇥: Jump to the other tab F3: View F4: Edit with TextMate F5: Copy file F6: Move file F7: New folder F8: Trash ⌥F5: Compress file ⌥F9: Decompress file ⇧F4: Copy file name ⇧F5: Copy full path ⇧F6: Rename ⇧F7: Jump to search field ⇧F8: Delete ⌥→: Make window R = window L ⌥←: Make window L = window R ⌥U: Swap window L & window R ⌥=: Make target window = current window Legends: ⌘: command ⇧: shift ⌥: option ⌃: control ⇥: tab You need to assign Hotkeys by yourself.
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