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Vero last won the day on April 25

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    I'm here to help you be as productive as possible with Alfred, so don't hesitate to post on the forum to ask a question.

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  1. @sekarb Welcome to the forum Given the output of the troubleshooter, the next step is indeed deleting the Spotlight-V100 and rebuilding your Mac's metadata. It's not a risky process and is reasonably quick, so get it going, go make a cup of tea, and come back later to run another troubleshooting check. Let us know how you get on Cheers, Vero
  2. @MacDaddy It's usually easiest for us to help you if you share your workflow in progress I've just shared below my own random signatures workflow, which contains three possible signatures, each with a comma halfway through, and set to being separated by newlines. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kg8wqem8rgn5z54/Random Signature.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Let me know how that feels!
  3. @bucweat I've had a look at your Diagnostics and everything looks in order. What has changed on your Mac since February that could be causing this to resurface? You could try resetting your preferences, as instructed back in February, but it'd be worth identifying if something specific is happening on your Mac periodically. Do you use third-party software to "clean up" that may be fettling with Alfred's preferences? If you set a specific theme, restart your Mac and reopen the preferences, is the theme correctly saved in the preferences?
  4. @MINT Thanks for sending via DM. Provided you've done a full reindex as per your reply of 6th April, this leads me to believe that there are underlying indexing issues on your Mac. Files should not appear and disappear from the metadata index in normal conditions. Additionally, the example file you DM'ed is stored in Dropbox, which adds another layer of potential source of issues. Are your Dropbox files stored locally or is Dropbox managing whether the files are online-only / downloaded on demand? This could also be having an impact on results reliability. It's safe to say that Knowledge can be set aside right now as it's not the issue; The issue is that files are not being reliably returned by macOS's metadata index when you search in Alfred. You could try doing another deep reindex, but it's possible that you migrated legacy issues when using the macOS migration assistant to move your user from an over-a-decade-old profile. Once you get to the bottom of this, Alfred will reliably return results.
  5. @MINT Could you drag the file you nicknamed XY.txt file to the File Troubleshooter, and post the full output (including the real names of files, please don't edit these)? It sounds like your Mac's index may be the source of the issue if the file isn't showing in results at all. This is completely different to knowledge issues, if the file isn't being returned at all.
  6. @Textdriven This workflow was created over a decade ago, so it might be worth creating a new thread with a summary of what you're looking to achieve. Alfred has changed SO much since Alfred 1-2, it's likely there are far cleverer ways to do what you want
  7. @Textdriven If you open Alfred's preferences to Features > Universal Actions, which checkboxes have you set for the "Show Actions" section? This will indicate which shortcut you should use to access Universal Actions Recent Documents will then be one of the available actions. I'll update the document to make it clearer that it'll only be right arrow if you've got Universal Actions set to defaults. Let me know how you get on!
  8. @hogru Welcome to the forum. Could you please let me know which sync service you're using for your preferences? You can check in Alfred's Advanced tab if you don't recall, as you'll see the path to your synced preferences. You'll need to ensure that the sync service is set to keep your Alfred preferences offline, as Alfred needs constant access to the preferences, so you may see this kind of behaviour if this isn't the case: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/advanced/sync/#always-offline Once you've set your preferences as being saved offline, you should be able to delete the superfluous workflows. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Vero
  9. @OmarKN You can search for all your snippets by title and keyword from the Clipboard/Snippet Viewer, without having to drill down into a collection first, so you don't need to know which collection the snippet is in: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/snippets/#browsing-snippets Using Cmd + S will open the snippet, ready to edit, in the Snippets preferences. If you scroll down past the list of collections, all individual snippets are also listed in the Viewer.
  10. @zlebandit Apologies! I thought I'd responded to your message but apparently I hadn't. Alfred uses the macOS Contacts API, so exclusion from Spotlight won't have an impact on results returned via the API if there are indeed duplicates. If you're finding that the Spotlight results with exlusion of duplicates are good for you, you can use this method of finding contacts instead. Open Alfred's preferences to Features > Contacts > Advanced and check the box next to "Use Spotlight metadata for searching contacts". Alfred will then use the same Spotlight results search as the workflow, and take into account any exclusions you've put in place, so should suit your needs Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Vero
  11. @CharlesVermeulen To expand on @iandol's response: OpenAI offer some API free credit on account creation (it's now $5 I believe) which is valid for 3 months, then expires. If your credit has expired, or you've used it up, you'll see the error message you've received. Reiterating what has been said before; The ChatGPT web-based interface is separate from the API, so while the website is free, there is a cost to the API, however small, so you'll likely need to add a few dollars of credit here: https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview Cheers, Vero
  12. @frapaul83 Did you do the deeper reindex (step 6) this time? It deletes the existing Spotlight metadata index before starting a fresh index, so it tends to clear out any issues that may have been getting in the way of a reliable index. If you now drag files to the File Troubleshooter, you should see a healthy metadata report for the files you're looking for
  13. @pseudocannon Before running the workflow, open the Debugger, then use the workflow's keyword. If there are any error messages from the debugger, share them here so that we can help you further.
  14. @Gold As @iandol said in his earlier reply, cost increases as the chat grows so if you're using a long-term chat window, extra tokens will be used as the previous conversations are being included as context in the chat. If you don't need the context of your previous questions, use Cmd + Return to clear the chat and start with a fresh slate, which will ensure you're not using additional tokens in the background for context. In terms of costs, GPT 4.5 Turbo is $10/million tokens, whereas GPT 3.5 Turbo is $0.50/million tokens, so it may not only depend on how much context is being included, but will also depend which model is being used by the other services you're using.
  15. @frapaul83 As you can see from the troubleshooting report, the files on your Google Drive are not indexed by macOS right now. The easiest solution for finding content on your Google Drive will be to use the workflow here: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/google-drive/ The workflow doesn't rely on the macOS metadata to return results from Google Drive, so will work even though the metadata is missing on your Mac. Having said that, if you drag other files from your Mac and see the same warning that metadata is missing, you may want to follow the re-indexing steps here so that you can find results from the rest of your Mac in the usual way with Alfred: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Let us know how you get on
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