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Everything posted by lee_mac

  1. Interesting...they don't. Apparently "man -k -Pcat ." dumps the man pages from OSX while man also accesses the MacPorts man pages.... Neither nmap, bonnie, htop, aria2c appear in the dump but man works with them...
  2. - path is in /etc/manpaths - reindexed - cleared Alfred/Workflow cache (didn't do that before...had high hopes) - Tried nmap and Nmap Still not working. I tried several (of course not all) ports (some of them installed for ages, others recently) in iTerm2 with man. nmap, bonnie, iozone, htop....they all work, but none with the Alfred workflow.
  3. In the workflow? MANPATH is set export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH) and works in iTerm2 and Terminal. How do I add it to the workflow?
  4. Nice! But...it doesn't access stuff installed via MacPorts. In terminal (or iTerm) "man nmap" gets me the manpage for nmap. In Alfred, "man nmap" gets me a 404.
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