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Posts posted by rebdeg

  1. @GuiB I stil get this debug error:

    [2018-02-12 16:39:58][ERROR: action.script] /Users/rebdeg/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3/Workflow Scripts/4A2AF514-1F9F-4A64-8C8D-2C2B6B48547F:96:128: execution error: "/Users/rebdeg/Documents/Werkmap%20NSI/EmailHand.rtfd" kan niet in type file worden omgezet. (-1700)


    Any thoughts?




  2. @GuiB This is the debug error I get


    Starting debug for 'Example: Rich Text Snippet'

    [2018-02-12 16:28:08][ERROR: action.script] /Users/rebdeg/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3/Workflow Scripts/E38E264C-921F-4D1C-8399-8DA594CEF3E7:94:126: execution error: Er heeft zich een fout van het type -1409 voorgedaan. (-1409)

  3. @GuiBIt initially worked like a charm, but now the only thing is pastes is the file path and when I enter new items to the clipboard it seems that the whole script does not run, as the trigger for the rich text snippet pastes the last item of the clipboard. So the file contents seems not te be placed on the clipboard. Please advice?


    Thanks in advance!

    Reinier de Groot

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