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xilopaint last won the day on January 8 2023

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  1. Text extraction support has been added.
  2. Update (v5.0) What’s Changed Added support for text extraction via file action. Full Changelog: https://github.com/xilopaint/alfred-pdf-tools/compare/v4.9...v5.0
  3. I don't have plans to add a global search. Also, performance would be a concern in a large database.
  4. @andy4222 What do you mean by "search results"?
  5. @jl_al You don't need to install anything. The required dependencies are bundled with the workflow.
  6. Do you need me to check anything to add native support?
  7. There are some plans for additional URI, but no ETA from Warp team.
  8. @dood @Elfred How did you guys manage to install googler? brew install googler throws an error because the repository has been archived:
  9. @zeitlings Would it be possible to add support for SigmaOS?
  10. Unfortunately I can't share the files.
  11. I just tried with a second file. This time the process has been completed with the “Word Granularity” strategy but the OCR quality with "Line Oriented" is way better. It doesn't matter. After clearing the cache I always face the same issue with “Word Granularity” if I run the workflow with the first PDF file.
  12. @zeitlings The software got stuck on my first attempt with the “Word Granularity” strategy, so I had to kill the ocr process and delete the cache file to make it work with the “Line Oriented” strategy, otherwise the workflow will be permanently unusable. To fix the bug you need to ensure the cache is cleared or rewritten at the start of each run.
  13. I'm facing the same issue on Sonoma, even when using a built-in theme. Look at the glitches in both the first and the last "a":
  14. Any news?
  15. xilopaint


    You can't pass a prompt through URL parameters.
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