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Everything posted by Keven

  1. Yeah, it is doing it again. I have to log out and log back in every so often to be able to continue using Alfred workflows/keyboard shortcuts.
  2. The bug seems to have stopped. I'll give an update if it comes back. Why is there a limit to posts I can make? I've been searching for hours for what I am trying to do. I then posted questions, thanked someone for the workflow that was shared and reported a bug. I paid for the application and it is apparent I am not here to spam. I am newly starting out with new features of Alfred, hence my questions. Could you please remove the new user spam block for my account?
  3. Is there a keyboard shortcut/workflow/script to bring all currently open applications to the front (rather than minimized or hidden)? Regards.
  4. I just purchased Alfred 3. Liking it a lot, but whenever I create a simple workflow with a hotkey and a system command, the keyboard shortcut works, but as soon as I start typing something, it ends being a bunch of random symbols and characters. Just tried it: Almost all keyboard shortcuts stop working and I then need to log out my user from the Apple icon and then 'Log Out [user]' so the bug goes away. Is there a way to fix this?
  5. I have the 'Quit All App Except Frontmost' workflow, which is awesome, but after searching online and on the forum, I haven't found a 'Hide All Apps Except Active App (or Frontmost)' workflow. Does anyone have one?
  6. Would like to say thanks (and bump this really good workflow at the same time).
  7. Found a way. Used the Script Editor with the following code: tell application "Finder" set visible of every process whose visible is true and name is not "Finder" to false close every window end tell I then launched the file from a hotkey.
  8. I am trying to have a 'Hide All Apps' workflow. I searched and tried out the one on the forum, as well as a few other things, but nothing seems to work. Could someone please share their 'Hide All Apps' workflow?
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