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Posts posted by djjcarroll

  1. Thursday, February 1, 2024 11:57 AM


    Thanks for the reply folks.  

    Stephen_C  I used your suggestion after I figured out that I had to have the YouTube URL on my computer, i.e. link on desktop.  I could not just open Safari then YouTube and copy or drag the link over to Alfred. In the end I figured it out, thanks a lot.


    Vitor  I will have to investigate your tip and read up on Automation Task. Thanks also for taking time to reply to my request.


    This is a great forum to solicit assistance.

  2. Jan-20-2024

    I had a major internal hard drive failure on my iMac27 in July 2023

    For that iMac27 I have a Time Machine backup in Mar 2023 and a boot backup Dec-2022

    At the time of the "crash" I was using Alfred 4.5.1 (Powerpack) and had over time created workflows and snippets

    I have just acquired a new Mac computer and after trying to migrate all my data from the Time Machine backup to the new Mac this created all sorts of issues with the result Apple Support suggested I do a clean install, I agreed reluctantly.


    So yesterday I installed on my new Mac Alfred Ver 5 and Powerpack.

    But, I think I need my Alfred Preferences from my 4.5.1 version to see the custom things I had created; since this is all "foreign" to me I am looking for help.

    Can anyone advise if what I am looking for, having my Alfred V5 operate like I last used Alfred V4.5.1, possible

    Are there files that have to be copied  from my Time Machine Backup that are required.

    Don J J Carroll


  3. Season's Greetings From Canada!

    After seeing the Alfred Christmas 2014 calendar and the announcement of this Spotify mini-player (Day 13) I decided to "attempt" to install the workflow.


    As background, although I have been using Alfred for approximately 1-2 years, I am a newbie when it come to workflows; I have installed some however.


    Re your Spotify Mini Player I have followed all instructions to date but I seemed to be hung up at the Library updating stage, according to the message I get, 1350/7196 tracks have been uploaded or processed but that was from last night.


    I have gone over most of the back (in time) postings on this site to see if people have had similar issues, they have. I thus tried to follow some of your suggestions:


    1. As per a posting on this forum from last year (see below)


    "Can you check your /Users/YOUR_USER/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player directory and let me know if you have some files in there?

    You should have a library.json, library_starred_playlist.json and playlist_*.json files (one per playlist)"


    I have checked my library and I do indeed have the folder described above but I do not have any of those .json files

    In the com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player  folder I have:
    Artwork folder


    Looking forward to some assistance in getting your workflow up and running.

    Don J J Carroll




  4. Tyler, thanks a million for this.  I just acquired Ver 2 (Alfred) today and I was not aware of all the major changes that were recently done to Ver. 1.  I guess I will have to find out more about these V2 workflows, however I must say, it was a very simple task to set up Hotkeys in the previous version.  


    PS: I have learned how to set a hotkey based on examining your workflow  and thus I have added a few that I regularly use, I hope that was OK to do?


    Don J J C

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