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Posts posted by ifvsvg

  1. 27 minutes ago, deanishe said:


    If Chrome accepts the URL, then you can pass it directly to Chrome by running:


    /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome 'https://www.youxuan68.com/search.asp?keyword=%u5948%u5B66'


    But I don't think it will ever work with Open URL because Apple's libraries simply won't accept that URL. Try the following in an Xcode Swift Playground:


    import Foundation
    let URLs = [
        // test URL
        // your invalid URL
        // properly URL-encoded
    for str in URLs {
        if URL(string: str) != nil {
            print("  valid: \(str)")
        } else {
            print("invalid: \(str)")



    /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome 'https://www.youxuan68.com/search.asp?keyword=%u5948%u5B66'


    Above command works, although it's not a perfect solution.



  2. 1 hour ago, deanishe said:


    It's not judgement, it's fact. %uXXXX escaping is non-standard. Sure, Chrome may support it, but macOS doesn't.



    The standards are, and they say your URL is not valid.



    I already told you: fix the URL so it's valid.


    Chrome may accept it if you paste it directly into the browser, but macOS APIs will not accept your URL. Because it's not valid.


    I am not the developer of that site, I can not change the url.


    But I pay for alfred.



    alfred can be compatile to this situation, for his paid user, like chrome?

  3. 6 hours ago, deanishe said:


    Alfred is encoding it because that's not a valid URL. You can't get Alfred to open that URL without it encoding the %-signs to make the URL valid, and I don't think macOS will do it either.


    You need to encode your URLs properly. %uXXXX escaping is not valid.


    I can open the URL in Chrome, why you judge the url is not valid?


    Alfred is more AUTHORITATIVE than Chrome?





    The URL is just here, anyone can tell me how to open it by alfred?


    Or Alfred is used to refuse customer‘s requirement by fictitious reason?



  4. I want to open following url in alfred with "Open URL ",


    but alfred ALWAYS urlencode it, and url become


    Which is the WRONG url.


    I also tried "Run Script Action" with

    open "https://www.youxuan68.com/search.asp?keyword=%u5948%u5B66"

    but I got 

    Unable to interpret 'https://www.youxuan68.com/search.asp?keyword=%u5948%u5B66' as a path or URL



    Who can help me, please.


    It really make me stuck.

  5. I suggest alfred support workflow auto download and auto update


    details as follows,


    * a config file, whose each item corresponding a workflow

    * each item contains: download addr(github addr)、current version get addr(github addr)、etc.

    * auto download, add a new item to the config file, then alfred auto download new workflow and install

    * auto update, alfred workflow check for update everyday and auto update background


    by this way, user could use workflow more conveniently.

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